Given that the rapid expansion in use of digital technologies also expands the attack surface, successfully managing security risks in omnichannel devices is a constant battle for CIOs and CISOs. Here are five essential steps to turn security risks into rewards by improving your omnichannel security:
- CIOs and CISOs must evolve into strategic innovation leaders focused on building their brand, reputation, and customer trust. By putting security excellence at the heart of omnichannel plans, security chiefs can turn IT security into a competitive differentiator and lead digital transformation.
- Move beyond perimeter defenses to proactive security. Make Data Privacy and Data Integrity inherent to applications. Instead of bolting on security at the end of product development, integrate it into your digital business architecture.
- Mobile is the fastest growing channel, yet many security chiefs struggle to address security issues for networks, corporate, and customer data without compromising on the mobile experience. Delivering high-quality, secure mobile applications must start with a robust mobile security technology plan.
- Mature your security strategies, make changes to existing security protocols, and continuously monitor and analyze data across channels for risk insight.
- Boost your odds of success by assessing the risks of omnichannel devices. Our experience with leaders from Fortune 500 organizations has taught us that even the most discerning of professionals make the mistake of underestimating the risks of storing data in an encrypted format in omnichannel devices. These device-level encryptions can be broken by tools already available. For example, for every version of iOS, tools are available to decrypt Keychain, an encrypted file in iOS that stores sensitive data, and read those data in clear text.
Security is one of the most important building blocks of digital transformation and smart, connected products. Paradoxically, security and privacy issues rise with digital transformation.
Connect with Photon to meet the demand of agility and security to create a win-win situation for your enterprise and customers.